The Eyala team drives the platforms mission, leading on strategy, content curation and creation, as well as community engagement. The team features a Content Strategist & English Content Curator, a French Content Curator, and a Team Coordinator. Their work is supported by the Founder, Advisors’ Circle and various consultants.

Meet The Team

JAMA JACK | Content Strategist, English Content Curator

Jama is a feminist writer and Communications specialist from The Gambia. She is a human rights activist, with more than 15 years of practical experience in advocacy and community engagement. Apart from her day job, she runs her blog Linguere, produces and co-hosts the Musso Podcast, and is steadily building her portfolio in filmmaking, with writer & producer credits in three films over the past 4 years.

Feminist life motto: “Our feminist identity is not qualified with ‘Ifs’, ‘Buts’, or ‘Howevers’. We are Feminists. Full stop.” - African Feminist Charter

CHANCELINE MEVOWANOU | French Content Curator

Chanceline is a feminist activist from Benin who specializes in building and strengthening feminist movements as a strategy for a more just and equitable world. She is committed to creating and facilitating spaces where girls and young women learn to understand the causes of inequalities, how they are affected, and find resources to begin dismantling gender oppressions. She uses feminist popular education, communication, advocacy, and digital as means and approaches in her work.

Feminist life motto: “You have to act as if it was possible to radically transform the world and you have to do it all the time.” - Angela Davis

Nana Bruce-Amanquah | Team Coordinator

Nana is Eyala’s team coordinator. Born in Ghana and raised between Zimbabwe, Germany, and the US, she is now based in Paris where she is finishing a Masters in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action at Sciences Po. While helping to keep Eyala organized and laughing at memes and dad jokes in her free time, Nana is also in the process of figuring out what comes next in her budding career.

Feminist life motto: “As women, we need to examine the ways in which our world can be truly different. I am speaking here of the necessity for reassessing the quality of all the aspects of our lives and of our work, and of how we move toward and through them.” –Audre Lorde 

Marie Kéïta | Freelance Translator

Marie is a freelance translator from Côte d’Ivoire. She grew up and still lives in Paris. She has a Master’s degree in legal and financial translation from la Sorbonne-Nouvelle, where she also teaches Economic Translation to future translators. In her free time, she enjoys, reading (several books at the same time while adding more to her already huge to be read pile), listening to podcasts, and spending time with her friends.

Feminist motto: “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde