First things first: let's get to know each other

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Hi there! I’m Françoise Kpeglo Moudouthe and I am the founder of this blog. Since we’re going to spend some time together, I thought I’d share six things I’d like to you know about me:

1. I am a feminist, with no excuses and no exceptions.

I am an activist, too: I’ve spent the past eight years advocating for African girls’ right to choose if, when and with whom to marry. Thinking back, I was a feminist activist long before I knew what these words even meant.

"I was a feminist activist long before I knew what these words even meant."

Today, I am defining what they mean for me. Eyala is a new step in that journey. Thank you for coming on board.

2. I am African, with many homes in Africa and beyond.

Memories from my childhood still taste like the makala sold on the streets of Douala (Cameroon), but I became an adult in Paris (France), got my first proper (read: paid) job in London (UK), and started my family in beautiful Dakar (Senegal), my home for the last seven years – and for just a few more months. Next step: Morocco!

3. I believe in the power of conversation.

I know from experience that a good conversation can nurture minds, build movements and even save lives – this is what eyala is all about.

"A good conversation can nurture minds, build movements and even save lives."

So I’m grateful to all the wonderful women who’ve accepted my invitation to join the eyala conversation – and to you all for joining in.

4. I love reading. I love books.

I’m slightly obsessed, actually, but how bad can it be? There will be lots of book talk around here, especially books by African women, and books about feminism. Stay tuned, and please tell me about your favourite feminist books!

5. I am a hesitant writer.

So far, good books and good talks have been enough, but recently I have felt the need to write so I can find out what I think. I have dared myself to share some of my musings on eyala, which is equally frightening and exciting. I can't wait to see how that pans out. 

6. I am bilingual.

I have grown to use French in my personal life and English in my professional one. Having observed with concern how ostracized non-Anglophone activists are within the African women's movement, I wanted to make sure this blog was bilingual too. I hope eyala will help bridge the gap. 

What else? I am also a mother, a wife, a lover of soul music, a passionate singer and an unenthusiastic cook.

Still curious? Click here to read a more formal bio.

I want to get to know you too! Tell me a little about yourself in the comments, or get in touch here, on Twitter or Facebook @EyalaBlog.